Friday, September 29, 2006

Post a secret:

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If you have a secret that you want to share anonymously, all you have to do is just post a postcard. Some are quite hilarious and others are quite weird.

Just go to

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Latest Gossip:

Well, the weather looks promising. We went to the beach and for once I did not feel light headed or in need to collapse.
Lebanon is quieter and everyone is safe for now. Live in the moment they say. But the airport is still closed, partially.
Michael has been off for a week and I started my new week-end which is weird, Saturday and Friday off. It is like our own mini holiday together. But I will have to work for longer hours during the day and I find my days slipping away between my finger tips, I actually get home around 8:45 at night sometimes.
Dubai is so quiet. Michael and I both miss our best friends (Brendan, Asia and Marcin), they left Dubai for greater opportunities which is great but we really miss them a lot and Dubai seems empty. We are trying to socialise a bit more, sticking to the beach crowd for now.
Anyways, 3 more months and we will go on holiday!

Fact of the Month:

The tongue of a giraffe can reach 53 cm in length, the longest in the animal kingdom.

It is Important to feel protected:

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Saturday, September 02, 2006

Teaching Job:

I got offered a teaching job so I thought why not give it a try, have a career, after all I have a Bachelor degree in English Literature. So I checked it out, it is working with kids after all and I know that it was my worst experience ever, dealing with kids, they are great don't get me wrong but I could not maintain any sort of discipline in my classes. The salary was even less, the location was on the other side of town which was amazingly far plus I had to handle the KG 1 class so they will cry and miss their parents for the first few months and some might not even be potty trained! Can you imagine the hassle, no but no thanks. I want my office job where I am happy and dealing with adults. My mum is wise she told me not to look for trouble, career is not everything. I should be satisfied and I am, I am more than satisfied and grateful for the life and love I have. I am so lucky.


Well Dubai decided to keep up with the rest of the world so starting September we are off on Saturdays and Fridays. Michael and I have the same days off and two days which is great quality time together. It is stil too hot to go to the beach, temperatures are above 40 degrees Celsius.